Classes by Program

classes for 2024-2025 school year.


Enrichment Classes In Arlington

Weekly classes for kids ages 0-10 in all sorts of fun subjects ranging from science, Spanish, art, music, baby and new parent classes, and much more.

This is the place where curious kids come to learn and explore!

Classes below are listed by day.

See also classes by Subject or by Age Group.

Email us at for more information.



The fun never stops at RSK! In fact, summer is one the BEST times to be with us: playing, experimenting, singing, creating, exploring, playing, and more playing!


After School: Arlington

Ready, Set, Kids offers a small group, nurturing After School Care Program for children grades K-3 with transportation from the following Arlington Public Schools: Hardy Elementary School and Thompson Elementary Schools. Afterschool students have the options to attend some of our fun enrichment classes including Spanish, Science Explorers, art, music & instrument instruction, and more!

After School: MEdford

Offering high-quality, enriching After School Care Program for children grades K-2 with transportation from the following Medford Public Schools: Missituk, Brooks, McGlynn and Roberts elementary schools


break week programs & Special Events
The fun is happening here when school is out!

Break week offerings can be found on our Special Events page.


Parenting Groups

New parent support groups will begin in the fall. Stay tuned for schedules.


Home School Club

Building community for homeschool children ages 5-10.