STEAM Lab: Arts & Science programs at the Arts Collaborative Medford
Afterschool STEAM Lab
Ready, Set, Kids offers afternoon enrichment classes at the Arts Collaborative Medford for children in grades 1-3. These project-based classes in arts, science, and engineering classes are for young creative minds. Classes run on a September-June schedule, following the Medford Public Schools calendar, with two class options:
Mondays through Thursdays 3-4:30*
*pick-up between 4:30-4:45
*Wednesdays will follow the Medford Public Schools schedule
Led by our seasoned and most popular teacher of all time, Lauren Hague, students will be guided in project-based exploration of month-long topics. Each day, students will be inspired by artists, artwork, and literature related to that topic, then engage in projects with hands-on art and science/engineering.
Mondays: science & engineering
Tuesdays: visual, musical, & performing arts
Wednesdays: visual, musical, & performing arts
Thursdays: science & engineering
This is not an opportunity to be missed!
Where is the Arts Collaborative Medford Located?
Our classrooms are on the second floor of the Arts Collaborative Medford at 162 Mystic Ave. It is important to note that ACM is located next to Theory Wellness (a cannabis dispensary). We have no affiliation with them of course, but we feel it’s important to make you aware of that. ACM will only be open to resident artists and RSK students during class time, and doors will be locked. Families who need an early pick-up can reach us by phone.
What kinds of projects will students make in the STEAM Lab?
STEAM projects will get their inspiration from student interests, but a scope of curriculum for the year will include everything from science projects, simple robotics, puppet shows, sculpting, collage, and much more.
For example, we may be inspired by the Greek Mythology to design, build and create our own Greek “monster” vibrating robots. Then, we can work together to write a play for our characters and have our vibrating robots “act” out our play. We may need to design and create the sets for our plays, write the dialogue and create accompanying music.
Each project will emphasize creativity, collaboration, inclusion and problem-solving.
Will there be free-play or outdoor time?
There will not be outdoor time. It is important to know that these classes will be entirely indoors. Children who need more of an active outlet immediately after school may not be the right fit for these classes. There will be lots of opportunity for creative play, but classes are designed to encourage cooperative activities within a structured framework.
*Will the classes run on MPS early release days?
Yes! Classes will be held from 12pm - 3:00pm on Medford’s once/month early release days, with pick-up between 3-3:15pm. For this reason, it is recommended that students outside of Medford schools do not register for Wednesdays.
Is transportation provided?
For students in the Medford Public Schools, we are working to create this site as a bus stop for MPS students. Families not attending Medford Public Schools or who choose to provide their own transportation can drop their children off at 3pm (see note about early release Wednesdays).
Is this a licensed child-care program?
No, these are enrichment classes and are not licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care as a child-care program. All staff will, however, will pass background checks.
What kind of technology will be used?
On occasion, iPads will be used as part of the curriculum to design elements of projects. Programs like Scratch coding, Garageband, and drawing apps may be used. They will not be a regular part of the day, but used as needed for projects.
How can I learn more?
Email us with any questions, OR attend one of our info sessions!

ARt & Sensory Play
ages 18 months - 4 years
Ready, Set, Kids offers morning Art and Sensory Play classes for children and their caregivers to spend the morning exploring together.
Children are invited to explore materials, play with peers in our exciting sensory bins, and create many forms of visual art. The projects take a process-based approach and are designed to introduce young children to many opportunities to explore their interests and create art.
What is the structure of the class?
Classes begin with a space to build community. We’ll meet in a circle and greet each other with staff-facilitated songs and activities to kick off the theme of the day. From there, we’ll go into our art rooms and children are provided the space to explore the materials freely.
Is there a snack time?
There is not a separate snack time, but there is a space for families to eat snacks they bring from home.
How does enrollment work?
Registration is below, and families can start any time long as space allows. Tuition runs monthly throughout the school year. Once registered, families may cancel with 30-days notice.
Starting October 2024!!