RSK’s After School Program - Medford

We offer a high-quality, nurturing After School Program for children grades K-2 from the Brooks, Missituk, McGlynn and Roberts elementary schools, held at the Hillside Community Church at 144 North St in Medford.

Aftershool families get options to enroll in our small-group enrichment programs with options for Spanish, Science Explorers, and art. Enrichment classes are optional, fee-based classes (additional $96/month), and schedules will be released in early summer.

Registration for the 2025-2026 school year: New families will enter a lottery based on school. Very limited spaces are expected to be available. Stay tuned for lottery info.

Information about schedule, daily activities, transportation, tuition, policies, and more can be found in our Family Handbook linked below, by phone at 781-483-7079 (please call outside of afterschool hours), or by email for more information.


2024-2025 After School PRogram Registration, Medford:

Enrichment classes for After School students (2024-2025 school year):

For enrolled RSK after school students, register here for these additional, optional, elective courses.
Cost is $96/month, except for outside programs.


Art, 3:30-4:30pm


Keyboard with Piano Playtime


Cooking, 3:30-4:15


Spanish, 3:30-4:30pm


Science Explorers, 3:30-4:30pm